Saturday, April 11, 2015

New friends!

I’m settling in here at the housing complex.  My room is not as tiny as I had expected, and neither is Shiprock.

"7-2-11 Food Store"

I’ve heard a few other people up and about, but it’s definitely not filled to capacity – lots of empty rooms.  The only person I’ve run into (and so far, run into twice) is a woman named Wendy who is a student nurse midwife. 

Left to Right: Molly, Wendy, Pueblo ruins

I’ve gotten myself invited to dinner with her and her friend Molly. We’re going to get cooked food, since apparently they are already sick of sandwiches, yogurt, baby carrots, and other food that can be prepared without a full kitchen.

I went on my first run here in Shiprock this morning, and felt great, until I ran out of air and there was no more to breathe.   Even with a week or so at altitude, I suppose it will take some time to really get into the shape required to run at ~5100ft.

Apparently it looks more like a ship from other angles.

My goal is to run here.  I don’t know exactly how far it is, but that’s immaterial.  I saw it for the first time just outside Farmington, and was excited. I saw it this morning on my run, and was entranced. It’s a beautiful rock, and I mean it to be mine.

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