Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Stories from dreams

 I was riding my motorcycle. It was the middle of summer, I remember it was very hot. After you cross the bridge, there's a light everyone slows down for.  I was in the outside lane, next to a truck. I revved up to pass him, and he sped up too.  I could see a car in the oncoming lane, so I tried to speed up even more.  At the last second, I moved back into the lane.  I missed by 8 inches.  I remember just the sound of the wind.
 I hit the back of a van.  I didn't go into the back, I guess my shoulder caught the window frame.  I was on the road, and somebody was standing next to me, slowing down traffic.  I remember everything in my body tingling.  I remember my friend, a motorcycle cop, came to stand next to me. And he asked me what my name was, and asked me where I lived. I said, "You know me! Why are you asking me these questions?" And he told me he was just trying to keep me awake.

I am driving into the desert.  The storm is building up behind me, I can smell the geosmin, chasing me no matter how fast I drive. The clouds are piling up, higher and higher, darker and darker, until the sun is blocked out. And the clouds climb higher still, until everything behind me is clouds, and all that is in front of me is empty desert highway, and stars in the sky.

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