Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lex. Brothers. 400 miles.

Spent the day driving to Lexington, KY.  Every time I drive through West Virginia, I am more convinced that it is less a state, and more one gigantic mountain pass.  A mountain pass that requires $4.00 in toll money.

I got to Lex, and met my brother's girlfriend.
This is not his girlfriend.  What the hell is wrong with you?
Obviously, the only thing to do with your brother and his girlfriend is brewery hop.  Here's a brewery:

Full disclosure: not a brewery.  I thought it was when I took the picture though. The brewery was next door.
This is the brewery.
There was another brewery. Also, some other stuff happened.

Mostly, I'm just glad to be with family.  I'm excited for the adventure ahead, but I'll take time with my brothers any day.

There are no pictures of my brother or his girlfriend due to both of them being vampires.

Let's go.

Goodbye house. I'll see you soon, my best of friends.

I'm headed west, toward the sunset.