Sunday, April 5, 2015

Gonna be sore tomorrow.

 We did a little kayaking today.

Well, Bonnie kayaked. I worked on getting a solid leg sunburn, and took pictures.
This is Lake Powell, home of Antelope Canyon.

I swear there are other things on the itinerary than canyons.

 I don't do "bucket lists".  Obviously, lists are good.  I'm sure I have plenty of mental lists of places I want to go.  But the idea of there being a finite list of things I want to accomplish before I die... ludicrous.  All that being said, Antelope Canyon would probably be on my bucket list. I've wanted to go here for years, and Bonnie has as well.  In fact, I postulate that if you've heard of Antelope Canyon, and you don't want to visit, you're probably not my friend.

This guy isn't my friend either, and wouldn't let us catch him.

The lake was beautiful, first of all.  Cold and clear and surrounded by stark rock faces.  The canyon was amazing.  Afforded wonderful colors, gorgeous textures, and places to hide your Chacos when you wanted to go barefoot in the sand.

Almost instantly, I regretted leaving them in a nook instead of carrying them along, and now I have blisters.

The canyon starts out just slot-canyon narrow:
Not pictured: Antelope.

And eventually becomes narrow enough for a person to touch both walls simultaneously:
Bonnie was once cast in a remake of "Attack of the 50-foot woman" which never made it to production.
 You should go.
Sometimes you're in a canyon.  It's whatever.

Look at those smooth, sheer walls.  Finding somewhere to rest a camera was 90% luck and 50% sheer power of will.
You should go.

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